DNS 解析失败问题追踪
这篇文章主要是回顾之前解决的一个老大难的 DNS 解析失败的问题,当时起码困扰了有一年半载的时间了,但是在某一个时间节点上我们实在是无法忍受了,所以决定亲自攻克这个问题。
我刚才排查的时候,先从 gitlab-runner 入手,因为它上面的错误信息比较明确:
ERROR: Verifying runner... failed runner=5ce326a7 status=couldn't execute POST against http://gitlab.xxx.net/api/v4/runners/verify: Post http://gitlab.xxx.net/api/v4/runners/verify: dial tcp: lookup gitlab.xxx.net on write udp> write: invalid argument
针对这个问题我首先咨询了 运维,他给的答复是 CPU 的 load 过高导致的。但是我对于这个答复比较持怀疑态度,当时高峰时期 CPU load 确实是实际核心数的两倍,但是 CPU 当时还有接近 50% 的 idle 存留,通过 top 命令看每个核心的实际占用,都还有 idle 余量,按理还说不至于在运算量如此小的 DNS 上卡死。
后来又有同事反馈 nginx 所在机器上做 dig 域名的操作都会报错, 而且报错是一个毕现的错误,那台机器上根本就没有负载,最重要的是报错的提示还跟 gitlab-runner 那台机器如此相似:
# dig @ -p 8600 my-http.service.dc1.consul
../../../../lib/isc/unix/socket.c:2171: internal_send: Invalid argument
于是我们就顺着这个错误提示进行谷歌,然后就找到了这篇文章: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/dnsmasq/+bug/1702726 ,虽然是说出现在 dnsmasq 上的文章,但是跟我们的错误原因是相同的,其中里面一个网友的下面描述解开了我们多年的疑惑:
Testing this, the results are not quite as clear-cut as the example. I
don’t always see the same errors.Also, I don’t understand why the send() calls in dig, which are sending
UDP packets over the loopback interface, should return the invalid
argument. ARP is not needed over loopback, surely?Looking at an strace of dnsmasq, what I see is that either the query
never arrives at dnsmasq, or it gets answered correctly but the answers
never makes it back to dig: the UDP packets are being dropped in the
kernel. (In the later case, the send() of the reply gets the same
invalid argument error that dig is seeing)The lesson here is that if the arp-cache overflows, UDP, (even over lo)
drops packets. There’s really not much dnsmasq can do about that. I
guess the only answer is “don’t let your arp-cache overflow”.(or possibly, work on getting the kernel to behave better under these
circumstances)TL;DR not a dnsmasq bug.
总结一下就是如果操作系统的 arp 缓冲区不够,是没法发送 UDP 数据包的,而 DNS 请求就是基于 UDP 协议的。解决方案就是增加其缓冲区大小,但是这个需要改宿主机的配置,最终把如下命令发给运维来执行:
sysctl -w net.ipv4.neigh.default.gc_thresh1=1048576
sysctl -w net.ipv4.neigh.default.gc_thresh2=4194304
sysctl -w net.ipv4.neigh.default.gc_thresh3=4194304